
Howtos, troubleshooting guides, arcane knowledge etc. If it’s on here, I got burned by it.

Text scales itself on Chrome mobile, ignoring text size

Fix rendering issues on Chrome mobile such as text having the wrong size, browser ignoring text-size-adjust, mismatched text scaling on different elements, etc. You can fix it purely using CSS. (Last updated: 2024-05-01)

What You See is Not What You Get: Weird Behaviors in S3 Bucket Policies

Have you ever had something really weird happen when working with s3 bucket policies? Policy changes by itself, unexpected 500 errors, invalid principal, or principals you don’t recognize? This post will explain it all. (Last updated: 2020-11-12)

Fixing Windows 10 Sleep Problems

How to solve problems with Windows 10 sleep mode: computer doesn’t correctly go to sleep, computer doesn’t correctly wake, high CPU usage and temps while sleeping etc. (Last updated: 2020-04-09)