Storm Goddess

I’m devoted to an unnamed Storm Goddess. Even though I’ve yet to learn Her name, I built a deep and fulfilling relationship with Her.

This page will contain rituals, prayers, experiences, academic information, and anything else that’s related to Her.

Who is She?

I’ve done a fair bit of research, and while there are a few Storm Goddesses out there, I wasn’t able to connect Her with any established pantheon.

John Beckett wrote a great blog post about Her, touching on my and others’ experiences of Her. I suggest you check it out.


Poetry is one of the ways in which I express my devotion. Here are some poems about Her and my relationship with Her. Feel free to incorporate them in your practice.

I’m still building out these pages. In the meanwhile, check out some of my writings on Reddit, many of them about Her.

If you need to reach out to me about Her, find me on Reddit or Discord (I’m in the official r/paganism server; you can’t miss me — link in the subreddit sidebar).